Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Dad: Day Care

The teaching profession has allowed Brandi to spend her one month maternity leave plus two and half months summer with Skylar. During this time, I have been working mostly out of the house with much less travel. We both feel very blessed by this arrangement. But, Brandi is going back to work this week. I will be traveling next week. And, Skylar started day care on Monday.

I think it was rather difficult for Brandi to leave Skylar in someone else's care. I see both positives and negatives to day care. On the bright side, he will get better socialization and may learn how to do some things quicker by watching other children who are slightly older than himself. On the downside, he's likely to get sick more and is not getting our full parental attention.

When Brandi picked Skylar up on Monday, he seemed very happy. I think he really likes being around other babies. The rest of the day, he beamed as if he had had the most marvelous time. On Tuesday, we dropped him off and he went straight into Laura's arms. Laura is one of the women at the day care. She says that he is "the best baby". Of course, she might say that to all parents.

Skylar can nod his head yes and no to answer simple questions. This morning, I asked him, "Do you need a diaper change." He answered by nodding "yes". I asked him if he wanted to go back to bed, because he looked sleepy. He nodded "yes". Then, I asked, "Do you want to go to school today and see the other babies?". He nodded a swift "no". I think the newness is wearing off. Either that or he was just plain tired and wanted to continue sleeping...

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