Monday, July 24, 2006

Mom: Missing Out!

Today was the first day that I had to "work" I had to go in for a meeting with the other 6th grade teachers. While I was gone one of my biggest fears became reality. Upon returning home from work my husband informed me that Skylar can now roll all the way over unassisted. The first day I leave the house and he reaches a milestone! I know that It probably shouldn't bother me as much as it does but I can't help it. He is growing up so fast and I am afraid that I am going to go to work one day and when I come home he is going to be 12 sitting on the couch waiting for dinner. Am I just being silly not wanting my son to grow and reach targets so fast? I don't think that I that bad, I just really love him and don't want to miss a minute of it. Right this very moment he is laying in the floor of our office playing on his activity mat and showing me that "yes mom I really can roll over all by myself". Last night was also his first night in his very own room in his big boy bed. I cried. It just seems so hard for me to let him grow up and be a bit independent. He loves his room when we go in there to play or rock, so I shouldn't be surprised that he didn't seem to mind sleeping in there. I guess he is just more ready for the transition than I am. Once I am finished here I am going to take him down to the family room and just stare at him in amazement and try not to blink should I miss something else.

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