Monday, May 22, 2006

The First Month

Hi, I'm Skylar's Mom, and I'm a first time blogger! Ok, so until now my husband has made all the posts for this blog. He recently asked me to join him and co-author it and I thought sure what the heck. It's 1:22 a.m. and I am sitting here waiting for Skylar to wake up for his next feeding. I thought that I would take this time to reflect for a moment and consider what my life has been like for the last month. That's right, Skylar is now one month old. It's hard to believe that a month has passed already, except when I look back on the sleepless to nearly sleepless nights. It all seems like such a blur. I can't believe how much he seems to have changed over the last month. Everything from his facial features to his personality seem to be undergoing some kind of change. I like to think that he is now beginning to have at least a few of my features instead of looking like a tiny clone of his daddy! I am also amazed everyday by what he is able to do already. He can already hold his head up by himself for extended periods of time, and just the other day he was trying to sit himself up in my lap. Sometimes when I look at him he seems to be so much older and wiser than his age, and other times he is just my cuddly little baby that loves to fall asleep on mommy's tummy. While he changes I am changing too. Not only physically (some of my clothes are starting to fit again woohoo), but I am still an emotional wreck most of the time. I am finally starting to feel human again and a little more like my old self everyday. This last month sure has been one crazy rollercoaster ride, but I would stand in line all day to do it again! I may even consider doing this all over again someday, but we will just have to wait and see. We will try to get more pics of Skylar posted soon.


Angie said...

Hi Sylar's Mom,

I have followed your progress through the previous blog and even shared info regarding MTHFR with your husband. I am also heterozygous MTHFR, 3 miscarriages. It has been so hopeful to see thar you and your husband finally have a beautiful son. I want to try again soon, hopefully with the assistance of the Lovenox or Heparin shots. Good luck to you and I hope your nights get a little less sleepless. Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful and sweet baby! I found your husband's origianl blog through a MTHFR search online. It gives me such hope to know that it is possible to have successful pregnancies with this condition. I'm so happy for you and best wishes on regaining all your hormones and strength!!!