Monday, February 23, 2009

Skylar's first video blog entry

This is Skylar's first video blog entry...

1 comment:

Daron said...

Hello Hello, I wonder what you are? Ummmmm, I went to music class and we did "good bye good bye row your boat gently down the stream. Good bye good bye row your boat gently down the stream". "Mary, Mary, Mary, I love you". (Dad, "and what did you do after music class?"). Ms. Joan let'd all the mommies out all the mommies and daddies out to come get me. I didn't go out to lunch. And, I did okay there but I didn't and I did, like that. So, I farted like that and then we go inside and eated. Then stayed home and eated. (Dad, "then what were you doing in the backyard today?") Umm, playing in the snow and snow fights with Sabastian and with you and with the T... and with little T... and like that like this and like that and that and I just love you... and the T... and Sabastian (our dog). Bye. Goodbye.